Gander Veterinary Clinic 709-256-3891

Dermatology Services for Pets

Your dog or cat’s skin issues can be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs treatment.

Dermatology Services for Pets

Your dog or cat’s skin issues can be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs treatment.

Your pet's skin is their layer of protection against the outside world. If your cats and dogs have untreated skin conditions, this could weaken their immune system's defence against infections and diseases. By regularly examining your dog and cat's skin, you can alert us when any issues arise. Proper treatment is essential to alleviating skin conditions.

What skin conditions affect pets?

One of the most common skin conditions that affect pets is allergies. Pets experience food, parasitic, and environmental allergies. When your pet has untreated reactions, they can experience chronic pain, discomfort, and have an increased likelihood of being diagnosed with other underlying health concerns. Undiagnosed allergies can cause constant flair-ups of inflammation and itchiness. By regularly inspecting your pet's skin, you can identify some of the most common signs of allergies such as:

  • Redness
  • Swollen limbs
  • Itchiness or chewing on their skin
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Watery eyes

How do parasite bites impact my cat or dog's skin?

Parasite bites can cause inflammation and itchiness, especially if your pet is allergic to fleas and ticks. Though fleas and ticks are more common in the warmer months, this doesn't mean you should completely let your guard down at other times of the year. Inspecting your pet's skin regularly is the best way to determine if your pet is infected with fleas or ticks. Fleas are smaller, and can often be overlooked as tiny brown specks of dirt. Ticks are larger and span a range of colours, often appearing bigger after biting your cat or dog. Parasites not only trigger your pet's allergies but can also transmit harmful diseases. The best way to protect your pet is to ensure they're on a regular pet protection regimen like a monthly medication. To learn more, please contact us at 709-256-3891.

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