Gander Veterinary Clinic 709-256-3891

Laser Therapy for Pets

Our Multi-Wave Locked System (MLS) laser therapy provides soothing treatments for faster recovery.

Laser Therapy for Pets

Our Multi-Wave Locked System (MLS) laser therapy provides soothing treatments for faster recovery.

Laser therapy, like other therapeutic treatments including acupuncture, can be used to alleviate pain and inflammation, as well as support healing for wounds. Our laser uses light beams to target specific areas of your cat or dog's body, activating their cells to promote regeneration and growth.

What type of laser do you use to perform laser therapy?

Our Multi-wave Locked System (MLS) laser therapy is a painless treatment for pain and inflammation with the use of light energy in specific combinations of wavelength. This lasts an average of 3 minutes per treatment. In comparison to earlier generations of treatments, MLS laser therapy provides us with more control over the dosage we administer, which means more consistent results you'll notice over time. Some other benefits of laser therapy include:

  • Relief from chronic pain such as arthritis
  • Relief from acute pain such as trauma or injury
  • Postoperative pain relief
  • Faster wound healing

How can MLS laser therapy help my dog or cat after surgery?

We use MLS laser therapy post-operatively to help reduce pain and promote faster healing. After surgery, your dog or cat needs support with their recovery. Our MLS therapy can accelerate the healing process by stimulating the mitochondria (or powerhouse) in cells. Once activated, it triggers cell rejuvenation. Each treatment builds on the previous one, so consistent laser therapy appointment supports your pet in the long-run.  If you would like to learn more about our therapies and treatments, please contact us at 709-256-3891.

Will my pet experience side effects after treatments?

To date, there have been no side effects for our patients who undergo MLS laser therapy. Immediately after treatments, some patients are more active because of anti-inflammatory effects versus others who require more time to recoup. Based on each patient's specific needs, we develop a post-treatment plan to support them after laser therapy. You may start to notice changes in your pet after consistent treatments. For example, arthritis patients can have increased mobility because laser therapy decreases their inflammation and pain.

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