Gander Veterinary Clinic 709-256-3891

Bird Services

We provide specialized care for your cockatiels, parakeets, finches, and more.

Bird Services

We provide specialized care for your cockatiels, parakeets, finches, and more.

Birds of a feather flock together. We hope you and your beloved bird are happy to have found each other! Our veterinary team is here to support their healthcare needs so you can enjoy your day-to-day with them. From feedings to cage cleanings, we can provide various recommendations to keep you and your bird happy.

What types of birds are best as indoor pets?

Not every bird wants to fly the nest. Some are happy to live indoors with their human families. Depending on your lifestyle, living space, and temperament some birds are a better fit than others. For example, cockatiels are known for their easygoing and friendly personalities. They love to socialize so they will need at least an hour outside their cage every day. You can even bond over your favourite TV shows or podcasts. Finches are more low maintenance. They thrive in pairs so consider getting two if you're interested in this kind of bird. Parakeets are one of the most popular birds pet owners choose. If you have children or are new to owning a bird, they could be the right pet for you because they need are relatively easy to take care of but love to engage with humans.

What happens during my bird's veterinary visit?

Birds, like humans, have a range of health concerns that need to be effectively managed to ensure they have the best quality of life. A routine wellness exam allows us to not only provide a comprehensive physical exam but provide recommendations on how you can best care for your pet. Particularly if you're a first-time bird owner, we can provide tips to support your journey such as:

  • Ensuring they are regularly stimulated with toys and activities
  • Spending at least 30 minutes interacting with them daily
  • Ensuring their cage has ample space for them to move around
  • Providing them with fresh water and nutrient-rich foods daily
  • Providing them with adequate time outside of their cage

If you're interested in a routine wellness exam or need support with your new bird, please don't hesitate to contact us at 709- 256-3891.

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